Sunday, May 25, 2008

Look at these dolls!!


Jayne said...

Wow! Regan and Emery are adorable!!! Hey your email and couldn't retrieve the return email address for some reason...anyway, Lanette of Garret and Vonner is in charge of the VH blog. Glad to have you in the bloging world!!! You sure have a great looking bunch!!!

Corky and Kay said...

Hey Pete and Char. This is Corky and Kay.Corky sees something and he says that reminded him of Pete. How the heck is he doing, he says to me. So funny.Hope all is well. You have a beautiful family.Much love to you all. Love Corky and Kay

lauri said...

Welcome to the blog-a-thon we've got goin's a whole lot of fun. What a great picture of your crew!